MTS training solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of each client.
Our services range from ground-up design and delivery of bespoke training, through to delivery of our own accredited and non-accredited courses and/or learning event management. We also offer our experienced facilitators to deliver and manage our client’s own face to face courses.
We actively promote the core values of best practice in organisational performance and fully subscribe to the philosophy that training is a means not an end.
We are experienced with best practice management across a wide range of industry and government sectors and provide a benchmark of training excellence. Our internal quality systems apply to all of our services. We have been invited to present on our quality systems in key training forums.

Our Services, offered individually or as a fully managed package, include:
Learning Delivery
MTS is available to deliver learning in a number of ways:
- Delivery of one of our nationally recognised courses, or as tailored to reflect your specific needs
- Delivery of your own face to face courses
- Mark assessment activities
- Hosting small scale eLearning programs, but generally the eLearning programs we develop are hosted on a client’s Learning Management System (LMS). We have also assisted some of our clients to implement the Janison LMS.
- Delivery of Blended Learning, being training that is delivered part online and part face to face.
- or indeed any and/or all of the above.
MTS can utilise your facilities or we can arrange the learning facilities, and we can efficiently print and distribute the training material required, for training anywhere in Australia or overseas. Our delivery of your learning will be tailored to suit your location and availability. For example, MTS has tailored its PSP40616 Certificate IV in Procurement and Contracting to reflect the relevant process and policies in the Federal Department of Parliamentary Services and then delivered the program in a way that did not disrupt staff during parliamentary sitting days. Similar programs have also been delivered for the Northern Territory Government.
Learning Design and/or Development
Often we are required to analyse a client’s need and then design and develop a course from the ground-up. In other instances our clients have completed their own analysis and engage us to develop their training. All of our courses can be managed by the client or, if they prefer, we will also facilitate the training plan and deliver the program.
While in-house teams can produce basic eLearning using a number of commercially available tools that are well suited to short, simple programs, once an eLearning course is developed using these programs you are then locked into using that same program for maintenance and updates. eLearning produced by these programs can lack dynamism and not really engage Learners, particularly on more complex subjects.
Click here to read more about the high-quality eLearning solutions we offer in collaboration with our eLearning partner Futuretrain.
RTO Partner
Major Training Services can act as an RTO for your organisation. This involves working with the client to have specific qualifications recognised by ASQA, designing and developing learning programs, delivering and assessing learning programs, issuing qualifications and ensuring all the appropriate records are kept and reports lodged.
MTS fills this role with the Advocacy Training and Development Program (ATDP) run for Australian veterans and their various member organisations. The ATDP is designed to ensure that the volunteers, providing veterans with advice on compensation matters and general welfare support, have the required knowledge and skills to do the job effectively. MTS has had a number of qualifications recognised by ASQA, assisted with course development, assessment and training delivery, while also issuing nationally recognised certificates and ensuring all quality standards are being met.
Learning Partner
MTS has also partnered with agencies to assist them develop their entire learning program. MTS is the strategic learning partner for the federal agency, Comcover. We have assisted them develop the learning strategy for risk management across the whole of the Commonwealth government; developed and delivered a range of programs including face to face and eLearning; and evaluated the training.
MTS’ focus is on learning, so any task you have that requires learning expertise we are ready to assist.
Needs Analysis and Evaluation
We regularly conduct reviews of existing training programs (evaluations) and make written recommendations on how to enhance the training. MTS conducts needs analysis for organisations wanting to determine what, if any, learning solutions they might require. These are variously referred to as Training Needs Analysis or the more wide ranging Performance Needs Analysis. They can be simple or large scale activities, involving extensive consultation and focus groups.
Learning Administration

We provide our services throughout Australia, as well as a number of offshore locations, including:
- Fiji
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- New Zealand
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Solomon Islands
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Vanuatu